Fall Bucket List 2k16

Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of Rachel Lynn! A lot of productive things have happened here since last I've posted. Mainly just a lot of editing and formatting that I've been meaning to get to. It's amazing what you can get accomplished when you have an afternoon to yourself. While I sit at my desk being productive, I can't help but notice the fall weather that has most certainly started moving in. Guys, I could not be more excited!! If you've caught wind of my Pinterest page, you know I've been pinning fall inspiration like mad. Fall fashion, DIY, food, scenery, make up--literally every thing that is fall inspired I've been crazy about.

So before the fall season officially sets in, I wanted to create my Fall Bucket List to insure I have as much time to cross things off as possible. I did a really good job on my Summer Bucket List, but I decided to pull a few items off of that list that I wasn't able to get done to work on during the fall. So without further ado, my Fall Bucket List 2016.

Fall Bucket List 2016:
1. Go apple picking
2. Go for a bike ride
3. Take a hike
4. Go to a pumpkin farm
   I've never done this and always wanted to! I hope this year will be the year! 
5. Go to a haunted house
6. Go on a hayride
7. Drink apple cider
8. Make one fall inspired dish
9. Host a scary movie night
10. Finish Stranger Things
11. Watch American Horror Story
12. Tailgate at a football game
13. Attend a football game
14. Carve a Jack-o-Lantern
15. Learn how to bake pumpkin bread
   My grandmother makes the best pumpkin bread!
16. Craft a fall inspired DIY
17. Navigate a corn maze
18. Drink a pumpkin spice latte
    No, I have not had one yet.. shocking.
19. Have a scary movie date
20. Watch Hocus Pocus
21. Try hot yoga
22. Go to Fright Nights at Kennywood
23. Write a handwritten note and send it to someone
24. Go trick-or-treating or hand out candy
  Yes, I may be too old for the first part of this... 

I seriously can't wait to get to work!! What's on your fall bucket list?!


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  1. I need to start this Stranger Things! I keep hearing about it. I want to do all things fall - festivals, corn maze, pumpkin patch. I also want to take my son to a high school football game - so much fun!

  2. Anything fall festival sounds perfect fall for this time of year. Corn maze, bonfires, cooler weather, sweaters.

  3. Can't wait to take the babies apple picking!!!!

  4. Must do: watch Hocus Pocus :) I love this list, thanks for sharing!

  5. Love this Fall bucket list! I definitely have similar ones. My husband's grandmother's pumpkin bread recipe is amazing! We make it every Fall. Good luck getting everything on your bucket list checked.

  6. Whoa! You have a lot to experience this season! Pumpkin spiced lattes are soooo good. And just wait until you get to your first pumpkin farm. They are addicting. I used to live around so many and they were a weekly thing.

  7. I REALLY want to start watching Stranger Things! Ive heard so many good things!! And, I love all of these, I want to do them all too!

  8. I love this list! I want to do a bunch of these things too. Hoping our So Cal weather will cooperate and give us a little real fall!

  9. Lots of fun stuff on this list -for people of all ages... I miss going to "haunted houses" during this season when my kids were little (now they are grown) but I just became a grandmother so soon hopefully we begin again! And I've never actually been to a pumpkin farm - would love to go to one!

  10. So many awesome things on this list! Good luck accomplishing it all.

    xoxo, Jenny

  11. Omg. This is such a good idea. I have so much travel this fall and winter it will be really tough to get any traditional fal types things. I am going to make a better effort to make it happen!

  12. Love your Fall bucket list! I definitely have some of the same things on mine! Pumpkin farm and corn maze make the season special.

  13. Fall is my favorite time of year! This is such a great list, just saved!

  14. Going apple picking and watching Stranger Things are on my bucket list this fall too! I used to go to the pumpkin patch every year when I lived in the country -- so much fun!

  15. This is a great list. I haven't been apple picking in a few years and would love to go this year. It's one of my favorite fall activities!

  16. Wonderful list! It gets so exciting when you write out a Fall bucket list, love seeing all the fun things to do for the season.

    Lee Anne

  17. I love this list! Fall is my favorite season. Going to Central Park to see the leaves and apple picking are my two favorites. :)


  18. Such a cute and totally doable fall list! I really need to get started on Stranger things. Carving a Jack-o-lantern would be so much fun. Have a great Fall season ahead :)
    xx, Kusum | www.sveeteskapes.com

  19. Perfect fall bucket list! I can't wait to roast pumpkin seeds and enjoy lots of homemade baking and farmer's market trips. Yay for fall!

  20. Such a fun list - had me mentally making a fall bucket list. I have never really thought of pumpkin bread - now its all I can think of making (lol).

  21. I can't wait for the weather to cool off. I'm envisioning morning walks with a latte in hand. ;-)

  22. I have to admit that I was most excited about the food-related items! Apple cider, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread -- so many of my favorite things!

  23. This makes me wish it actually felt like fall! I reallllly want to go to an apple orchard and pick apples soon, and I want to roast pumpkin seeds! Anddd go for a fall hike. So many things! Love this list- it's making me add to mine!

  24. We were just talking about corn mazes last night. I'm down but my husband said he's only interested if it's a haunted corn maze. Lol. So now I'm searching our area to see if we can find one.

  25. Awwww ... totally love that you did this!! What a great idea - I wanna do my own! Gonna search back in your site for your summer one ....

  26. I'd love to go apple picking this year. Or go to a pumpkin patch. Or both! But I say that every year and never go... Maybe this will be the year I do it.

  27. I love Fall and it doesn't matter how old you are, you always love the smell of leaves, cider and doughnuts!

  28. Hocus Pocus is my favorite halloween movie. Also I also have never had a PSL. And American Horror story is the bomb.

  29. Love your list! I need to actually write mine down. I always say I have so many things I want to do and never get around to them!

  30. I keep hearing about Stranger Things but just don't know if I'll like it so I keep putting off watching it! Great list :)

  31. You need to hunker down and finish Stranger Things! Enjoy some Egos while watching it!

  32. I have never been to a pumpkin farm either! I wanted to go so bad last year and didn't get the chance. Hopefully this year I will be able to! I also really want to go on a hayride because I haven't been on one since I was a kid. Love this bucket list!

  33. Love this list! I'm so hoping to take my son apple picking this year and to the pumpkin farm again, he loved the hay, haha! I might just have to do my own list too! 😊

  34. What a great list of fun festive activities to do in the fall! Pumpkin carving is definitely on my list, as well as spiked apple cider ;)

  35. All of these are great!! I'm so pumped fall is finally here!

  36. My husband and I have been meaning to watch Stranger Things. I keep hearing how great it is!!

  37. Great list! I'm in shock that you've never been to a pumpkin farm. Where I live, it seems like you can't walk a block without tripping over one! You really need to cross that one off you list, for sure! Hope you have an inspiring autumn!!

  38. This is a great list! Fall is my favorite time to set bucket lists!

    Amanda || www.fortheloveofglitter.com

  39. Such a good list. I want to try a lot of them, especially hot yoga. American Horror Story, not so much :P

  40. Thank you so much Rachel for sharing this great list. Even though fall is always hot and doesn't feel like fall here in Florida, I still always want to do typical fall things. Your bucket list is inspiring me to go out this year and really get some things done.

  41. Yes to all of these! (Except the scary stuff - I'm a chicken!)

  42. Hocus Pocus is one of my favorite movies ever and is an absolute must for fall time:)

  43. Agreed, love stranger things! I hope to get to to a few haunted houses this year myself!

    Rachel | www.theconfusedmillennial.com

  44. I kind of just want to copy your fall list! Ha! Its so fun!! I have 4 kids and may make one this weekend as we kick off the fall season! :D

  45. I hope you make it to a pumpkin patch, they're one of my favorite parts of Fall! Also I definitely want to go to a haunted house as well, great list!


  46. Haunted house and tailgate is also on my list! :)

  47. Love all your ideas for things to do in the fall. We have already done some of the items you listed.

  48. I love Fall so much. I am also watching American Horror Story. I loved stranger things, we watched it at my office during lunch lol.
    I think my big Fall hopes are to have an amazing e-course launch for my course, The Balanced Side Hustle. I also want to go to a few more football games at my alma mater.

  49. Hello ,
    I admire you post .. really its an amazing post .
